The kart was on a rail and Devin kept it perfectly in the groove the whole race....FT 12.53 backed up by many laps in the 12.50's...I couldn't believe the track was that fast with only about 40 karts total in all classes. He started dead last in the heat and came to the front on the first lap...Lead every lap after that for the rest of the night. Damn it feels good to run well but it feels even better to win....Wins have been few and far between for us. It looks like the motor is finally sealed up good on the intake side and the new cam likes the RPM's (Thanx Jimmy).
We either finished 7th or 6th depending on the outcome of the tech of the 3rd place karts motor...? Motor ran well....I think it's fixed....It did smoke a little after turing a 12.53 in mid-round practice. Kart was fast we just didn't finish well....On the up side it looks like the new owners are really serious about making NGMS a top notch race track....They have worked their tails off the past 2 weeks....Come on out and run or watch.
And I have been working on it since Tues. after work...Guess what has not gotten worked on like it should.....Yep, the kart.
I hope getting the motor fixed will get us back close to the front....Not really...I hope it puts us IN THE FRONT....But a top 5 will be a good run for us. Devin is in 6th out of 14 that have ran every points race so far.
Just some shots taken around the house..... Devin in the driveway... Me after a race at Dixiespeedway.... Devin is working on new graphics.... Me again....U made that shirt for me. Our race trailer....It was free.